The Erasmus+ project "Multiple paths to Literacy: Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners".



It involves 7 schools from Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Wales (UK), Bulgaria, Romania and Czech Republic.


The teachers, in close collaboration with the educational community (researchers, parents, students and other members) are going to learn and develop new teaching methods: Visual Literacy (VL) and/in Differentiated instruction (DI).


In the media age, children face reading literacy and VL challenges even at their early primary school age. The development of broad literacy skills, which go far beyond a purely text-based approach (e.g. critical and competent use of visual material, coding and decoding of pictures), would therefore appear necessary.




 - To utilise the pedagogical teaching methods behind the theories of DI and VL in order to customise learning experiences, to adapt and differentiate teaching procedures and tasks according to the unique needs and learning styles of the students.


- Raise awareness among children and adults of the cultural elements around them and how these relate to their daily lives

- Sensitise children to collective processes necessary for decision-making and to foster the spirit of collective work and trust in the product of group work.


- Use tasks as “research tools” for cultural comparisons on a longitudinal basis and between communities of a different cultural, economic, social profile.


- to address our students’ individual needs in terms of better understanding the learning process, the curriculum topics and contribute to the improvement of their school attainment and inclusion.